
Leadership Consultant – Stephen McGhee

You’re already successful.
You don’t need a coach.
You need Stephen McGhee.
Stephen is at the forefront of mind-opening new directions in leadership. For the past 25 years, he has guided business executives and influential leaders across the globe, to go beyond self-imposed limitations to new levels of leadership.

His clients are already considered leaders and high achievers. Within this select group, there are those who realize that there is a greater inner potential waiting to be actualized. Connecting these people to this potential is the focus of Stephen McGhee.

Stephen’s own remarkable journey begins to explain what is distinctive about his approach. With a graduate degree in Spiritual Psychology and a background of working in both investment banking and as an ecumenical minister, he brings an engaging, diverse perspective to life and leadership.

An international keynote speaker and author of three books on leadership, Stephen has transformed accomplished individuals around the country and initiated cultural change with major corporations such as Microsoft, Merck, Georgia Pacific and Firestone. He recently completed his first film, Climb For Freedom, a documentary about the transformation of seven men summiting one of the world’s highest peaks and the profound impact of that journey on their lives and relationships.

Working with Stephen has been referred to as the adventure of a lifetime. His courageous honesty, personal integrity and energetic spirituality guide his practice. With Stephen you will be pushed. You will be uncomfortable. You will be revealed. Both your weakness and your greatness will be exposed and advanced.

And your world will open.



Let Stephen take you beyond
what you can imagine…

…through one-on-one consulting, experiential programs such as my upcoming 2018/2019 Coaching Prosperity Initiative, speaking engagements, and culture change initiatives. You are already considered a high achiever, yet you know there is greater inner potential for you. The difference comes from understanding and owning the power of leadership within. Stephen McGhee is the acknowledged master of helping you discover precisely this.

When you engage Stephen as your leadership guide, set your expectations high.

Stephen McGhee coaches the whole man/woman – mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. He pushes his clients to expand their awareness of possibility from the restrictions of what’s “reasonable” to limitless vistas of the unreasonable, beyond self-imposed limitations to a place where anything is possible.

Embrace the desire, prepare for the challenge, and be ready to meet the extraordinary person and leader you are.



“Today, more than ever, we need leaders to break through the excuse-minded fog that is settling on our society. Stephen makes a compelling case that velocity trumps precision while critically reminding us that the journey is the thing.”
— Don Bailey, Financial Services Executive, New York City, NY

“Working with Stephen allowed me to move from general management to true leadership.”
— Rick Holzli, General Manager, Microsoft

“If you have a chance to learn from Stephen and want your business to explode like mine did, work with him as soon as you can.”
— Steve Chandler, Author

“Stephen’s insight is remarkable.”
— Stephen Wells, Executive Director, ALDF

“Leadership learning never ends and I recommend Stephen for any entrepreneur, leader or individual who wants to achieve extraordinary life-changing results.”
— Katherine Ott, Chief Executive Officer, SlimGenics Corporation

“I have hired Stephen on four separate occasions as a leadership guide, strategic planning facilitator, and to help my business create a culture of aligned leadership. I can’t say enough about Stephen and the incredible results I have experienced in my life as a direct result of working with him.”
— Mark Musselman, CEO, Porch Light Realty

“Stephen McGhee’s coaching is like riding a bolt of lightning. You better hold on. Not only is it a fun ride, but you will create results at a level you previously thought impossible. Stephen thinks bigger than anyone I know and has the rare ability to coach you to convert inspiration and ideas into results. The past two years, I have created miracles in both my life and business and that would never have occurred without Stephen’s incredible coaching and support. He’s also one of the most caring and committed people I have ever met.”
— Jeff Patterson, President



Get Real A Vital Breakthrough on Your Life and Leadership by Stephen McGhee

Get Real

A Vital Breakthrough
on Your Life and Leadership

by Stephen McGhee

Climb to Freedom 7 Men Journey From the Ordinary to the Extraordinary by Stephen McGhee

Climb to Freedom

7 Men Journey From the Ordinary
to the Extraordinary

by Stephen McGhee

Learning to Believe The Unbelievable Living Life as a Miracle Leader by Stephen McGhee

Learning to Believe
The Unbelievable

Living Life as a Miracle Leader
by Stephen McGhee

Documentary Film: Climb to Freedom

Documentary Film: Climb to Freedom

by Stephen McGhee

What happens when seven ordinary men, looking for a bigger life, decide to hit the reset button? Training hard, stronger than they’ve ever been, they go mano a mano with “her”, Mt. Aconcagua in Argentina, one of the infamous Seven Summits — 22,834 feet high and spoiling for a fight.

For many, this will be an adventure story about pushing your edge—and that’s reason enough to watch. But how often have you said, “I can’t”, to your dream?

For all those who see only roadblocks on the road to a bigger life, this is a film about breaking through. Is it time to hit your reset button?



Here are my favorite resources
for anyone on a quest for integrity,
inner commitment, and unveiling
the truth of who they really are.

The Life Excellence Plan

by Stephen McGhee

The Life Excellence Plan by Stephen McGheeThe Life Excellence Plan is a workbook that replicates the process I use with most of my clients. This plan, when adhered to with vigilance and commitment, will take your vision from possibility to reality through steady application of the action steps you create.
Click here to download

Integrity: Without It Nothing Works

by Michael C. Jensen

Integrity: Without It Nothing Works by Michael C. JensenAn introduction to living by your word and honoring your word as yourself.
Click here to download


by Adam Khan

Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay, Self-Reliance, translated into modern English.
The following is Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay, Self-Reliance, translated into modern English. I have been studying this essay for years. I consider it one of the most significant pieces of writing ever written. I once typed the whole essay word for word and printed it out on my computer as a booklet. I looked up all the words I didn’t know, and made footnotes of definitions for each word on the page (and there were a lot of them). I put the essay on tape and listened to it over and over while driving. And I tried to apply it to my life. Read more.


by Stephen McGhee

A selection of my favorite quotes on commitment from Dusan Djukich.
A commitment is a particular type of declaration by which you move yourself forth in the world. It is a move that announces to the world what it is you intend to accomplish. What a commitment looks like is that you alter yourself and your actions to match what is required to get the intended result that you are after. Read more




  • The Soul Smoking Truth of Human Connection.

    As a kid, I sometimes felt sad and lonely. Perhaps, you can relate.

    Laying in bed at night, my brother sleeping under the covers next to me and my mom just down the hall, things never really made sense to me. And that ached.

    I remember wanting to be heard and understood. My five-year-old brain didn’t have a whole lot of restrictive programming, so I just started talking to God (and if you don’t believe in God you could consider I was talking to my Soul-Self).

    I came to understand early on that being human also involved this feeling of wanting to be loved and connected. We all yearn for that. Sometimes life provides that and often it doesn’t.

    What I also have come to understand is that this very longing is the greatest gift of all to human connection . . Why? Because those of us willing to embrace that feeling and look more deeply into it, are likely to discover a liberation that goes beyond intellectual understanding. It is knowing that loneliness is not real.

    Consider this: I know many people who are married, in community, leading teams and running companies who feel lonely, even though they are rarely alone. I know this because, for over twenty years, I have been listening deeply to people. I have learned to listen to a person’s Soul as opposed to just the content of what they are saying. Yes, content matters, but often a person wants to be heard beyond their words. I have wanted to be heard that way in my life. And if I have felt that way, then I suspect you may have felt that way too because you and I are not that different.

    Sure, we may look different, behave differently, have completely different beliefs about life, religion, politics, social norms or whatever, but deep inside, in our essence, we are very much the same.

    This is what I have learned in deeply listening to people for a lifetime. We are ONE and buying in to the illusion that we are separate is the greatest sickness on the planet today because that is what produces the feeling of loneliness.

    This has gotten so far out of hand that loneliness is considered an epidemic today. And while I don’t have any science to prove it, I suspect it’s pandemic in North America.

    I recently read a study put out by the Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA) that concludes that “loneliness is more dangerous than obesity and as damaging to health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day”. I think this puts into perspective that the trajectory of human connection as a world trend, may be going in the wrong direction.

    One solution to this, I believe, is found by exploring a more fundamental question: What does your Soul want? Pursuing this question requires courage. But authentic people can handle that. Being a Soul Centered Person means having a brave heart. It means venturing into the unknown, peeling back the layers of comfort and turning to face the destructive dragon of our own darkness.

    For example, I have learned, through listening to the hearts of others, that reaching goals doesn’t necessarily produce fulfillment. I have supported thousands of people over the years in accomplishing huge goals. Yes, often there is elation from great victories. And still, sometimes, that person has felt lonelier because they still didn’t have the experience of acceptance and connection they anticipated.

    However, I believe we can have both accomplishment and fulfillment. We are living in a time, when some of us are going out of our comfort zones to share the depth of our humanity with others. And as we do, we become more human, more available and, dare I say, more approachable as leaders; leaders in life to be certain and leaders in business.

    It takes courage to live from our humanity and I believe we can enhance our life experience as a result of doing it.

    And forgive me for the oversimplification, but I want to add some tangibility to a topic that is ethereal at best. What if you just give your Soul more of a voice? What if you were to allow the Soul, as opposed to the Ego, to guide you? One thing is for sure: you would probably live a life in acceptance rather than judging things through the filter of right and wrong. I say this because I believe the Soul is interested only in learning, growth, and advancement. So the tendency would be

    toward looking at things through the lens of acceptance, which allows the Soul greater expansion where judgment only produces contraction.

    Does that mean you don’t care? Hell no! It means you “care so much that you transcend care”. Human beings who understand this idea, are powerful people to be around because they don’t withhold thoughts, feelings or actions and they are also somehow detached from expectation as they go about changing the world. These beautiful, courageous Souls infuse everything with a ton of Love.

    Ultimately, love is what it’s all about. And I have found that being courageous and speaking the truth as I know it, whether it’s popular or not, does not create barriers between me and others as I feared it would. In fact, it does just the opposite. My authenticity opens the doors to greater trust, connection, and, yes, love. And that’s what, as human beings, I believe we’re all striving for because in the presence of love there is no sad or lonely.

    So, how can you put this into action? If you happen to feel brave today, this is what I encourage you to do: Get quiet. I don’t mean at the stoplight. I mean sitting somewhere where you will not be interrupted. Turn off your phone. Close your eyes. Just listen to yourself breathe for a minute or two. Then turn your awareness to the inner level of your being. When you’re still, ask the question: What does my Soul need from me?

    Then, listen. Do your best not to filter, judge or interpret. Just listen.

    What do you think you might hear? What might you do with that, information?

  • Potato Chips and Crying!

    I am a very ordinary man.

    And never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever write a letter like this because, to me, it’s obvious how ordinary I am. Apparently, though, it’s not so obvious to some other folks.

    I had a very meaningful conversation with my friend Carolyn Freyer-Jones yesterday. She pointed out to me, that some “people” may have a perception that I do not struggle.

    I know that is not all people and, more to the point, most people could give a rat’s ass about what I am doing each day anyway. Yet, somehow the illusion is that my fitness level, my leadership business, and other things I do in my life just move along without a hitch and do not require much effort from me.

    To be clear as a wind chime, I have all the same challenges we all do.

    As some of you know, I believe 60 is the new 40 and I intend to do my part to make that a reality for those interested. While I feel better than ever, I work at it. Maybe it looks effortless because people don’t see the early morning breathwork, the consistent calling in the Light, or the diving into an icy river at 6:00 AM to relieve inflammation. It’s hard work to stay vital. However, to me, the hard work is worth it.

    The same is true for my business. I had a corporate job once that was so out of alignment for me that I left some big money on the table and went back to waiting on tables. When I figured out what I really wanted to do, it took decades to fine-tune the nuance in my business. I believe that any of us who have built an enterprise would likely say something similar. Running a leadership company isn’t easy, but I wouldn’t trade it for a date with the whole Swedish Bikini swim team. It truly has rewards beyond description.

    Of course, I have had disappointments in my life. A few of them literally took me to my knees. I have been divorced twice and I did the deep emotional work to alleviate a ton of self-judgment there. Was that hard? Yes, it was very challenging.

    For me, the path of a successful life is one of acceptance, willingness, and gratitude. Nothing new here, except that talking about it is one thing and getting those frequencies into your bones is another thing entirely.

    To be willing and able to maintain my sanity, my health, my fitness, my business—my life—during these times required tremendous faith and unceasing vigilance. Every day, I chose to find gratitude and to surrender to God as a way of moving forward. The point for me—and I think for all of us—is I am very ordinary, yet I have been willing to persevere and bolster that with tremendous faith in Spirit. We all have a spiritual curriculum and as a dear friend pointed out to me, there are no apples in a hardware store. That is, you won’t find what you’re looking for in the wrong place no matter how much you want it to be there. Accepting that isn’t easy, though it does limit the struggle.

    Further, on a more practical level, I feel hard work is unpopular. Every day we see people hoping for great wealth and fame without providing much value. While it is not for me to judge these people, I feel

    deeply that creating something valuable takes hard work—and making hard work graceful is the greatest secret of all.

    I am responsible for only my thoughts, my feelings and my chosen level of success. Once, I shared with Gina Murdock, founder of the Lead with Love team, that hard work is good for us. She liked that and we laughed about the audacity of thinking that everything should be easy all of the time. As you all know, the real grunt work happens in the spaces in between: late at night when nobody is watching, or before or after meetings when I serve someone who needs help. Or when I’m feeling scared shitless of another’s personal reaction and I say the truth anyway.

    Do all of these things get easier over time? Maybe. Maybe not. Regardless, I believe they grow us into human beings that are adept and resilient in the face of the complications of life. Then, even if these things still scare us, life can become easier. And, as I used to say in every seminar I taught for ten years, “avoiding never works”. So why put off the hard stuff when we inevitably will have to do it.

    Lastly, yes, I eat potato chips when I am stressed. Yes, I cry sometimes from feeling like a total mess or feeling alone in my home at night. Yes, I am bummed when my programs don’t go well, or people disappointment me. However, here is the thing: If I have become accomplished at anything in my 57 years of life, it is that I am really good at letting go fast. I am good at limiting my downtime. I let myself eat, cry, whine, blame, gossip…but only for a wee bit. My teacher John Morton taught me that. He showed me how to lose it and come back fast.

    Seinfeld Chips GIF - Seinfeld Chips Eating GIFs

    If there is anything that you may take from my brief rant here, it’s this: When things go south in life, which they will, then I suggest you limit the amount of time you go south with them. Come back to yourself and your purpose and your inspiration as fast as you can.

    I welcome any insights you may wish to share about your life journey. What are your key learnings?

    To me, we are all in this together and none of us is exempt from struggle. I am grateful that from the outside looking in, it appears I have it together all the time. But rest assured, I am struggling alongside the rest of us. However, I have also found keys to enjoying the heck out of my life. And I’m willing to share them.



  • Leadership and Wellbeing

    Leadership and Wellbeing

    Among the most important assets we possess as a leader are our strength and vitality.

    Most of us have had times in our lives where we have experienced low energy or health challenges, so you may well understand what I am talking about.

    While it may sound odd for me to admit, I am grateful for the past health challenges I have experienced. Those times in my life have put me on a solid path of commitment toward my wellbeing.

    I don’t think I’d appreciate my wellness nearly as much if it weren’t for the times when I needed to learn to take care of myself.  I now pay close attention to my health, fitness, and vitality every day.

    While, it may sound simple, my devotion to a morning ritual of prayer, breathwork, cold exposure, journaling, and exercise inspire a positive trajectory for each day.

    The brain that comes up with my ideas, the hands that write them down, the voice that communicates them, the legs that carry me to appointments, and, most important, the energy that moves me through each day, are all contained within my physical body. You might say that, at the most basic level, my body is the home in which I live, the primary office in which I get work done, and yes, the temple in which I connect with God.


    In the past, I have done some hospice work where individuals were preparing to transition. I would often ask these people what they thought was most important in life. One of the two most common responses I heard was “your health”. Why? Because the elderly could look back and see that whenever their health fell apart, everything else was diminished.

    My body is where my whole life begins and where all my experience comes to rest. If it’s not in top working condition, I can’t do the things I want to do to manifest my greater vision.

    Like anything else in life, wellbeing requires planning, focus, and effort to make positive changes. And unfortunately, many of my clients wait until there is a problem before making adjustments.

    Today’s, message is a call to action for you or someone you love to get proactive with this thing called wellness.

    The easiest place to start is to look at your nutrition and the idea that food is medicine. While your body is amazing, it cannot run forever on processed non-food that is flooding the market these days. The good news is, there are plenty of delicious and healthy options to choose from. Stay as close to nature in your food choices, get inspired by creating your own morning ritual, move your body every day and experience the grace that can come from these simple adjustments.

    In joy,

    Stephen McGhee

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