A jolting health crisis in 1991 drastically reoriented Stephen’s life trajectory. Not only was Stephen McGhee Leadership, Inc born shortly thereafter, among other service-oriented businesses, a devotion to health and wellness took front-stage in Stephen’s personal curiosity. For the next 28 years, Stephen found himself championing progressive leadership from a multitude of colorful vantage points, including the opening keynote for the Barcelona 2004 World Cup, coaching elite Leaders in Companies such as Microsoft Corporation in the consciousness of culture change, leading 6 men up the highest peak in South America, supporting heart-centered endeavours such as Lead with Love Aspen , and opening his heart and wisdom to inspire quantum leaps in the lives and businesses of his clients.
After a wildly successful and varied career, Stephen McGhee found himself in the valley of reinvention. Silence and deep introspection prevailed for the past two years as he asked himself honestly and vulnerably, “What is my greatest contribution at this point in my life?” What emerged was clear and validated by comprehensive self-exploration, science and soulful experimentation. The shifts in consciousness available from exploring Life, Leadership, and Longevity together are exponential. You can expect the most integrated, comprehensive life overhaul initiative ever created from L3.